Nectar typically recommends that guardrails are only utilized for an existing account problem, as to not deter users from sending their points!
This article will cover a few FAQ's about Guardrails, as well as when they can be beneficial.
What is a Guardrail?
Guardrails are a feature Nectar has implemented for administrators to monitor or prevent users from sending too many points to the same coworker over a certain period of time. They can be found in your Admin panel under Settings > Advanced Controls.
Guardrail types
If Monitoring is turned on, it will notify any admins who are listed in the email field via email that a shoutout exceeding the guidelines is sent. Users will be able to proceed with giving the shoutout, and it will be up to the admin if they'd like to take any action.
Note that you can list multiple admins by separating them with a comma.
When updating to this setting, make sure to click Save Settings at the top right of the screen.
If Preventative is turned on, users will see an error (pictured below), informing them that an admin has enabled the preventative guardrail. Users will NOT be able to proceed with the shoutout. They will have to exit out of the error message, and try again with an lower amount of points in line with the guardrail. Admins will NOT be notified if a user attempts to send a message exceeding the guardrails.
When updating to this setting, make sure to click Save Settings at the top right of the screen.
Why should I consider Guardrails?
Nectar recommends that Guardrails be left off!
The point of Nectar's platform is to help employees feel appreciated and be able to reward each other freely for those that are helping them the most! However, this can potentially lead to sending lots of points to the same people repeatedly.
If you and your company feel like Guardrails would benefit your team's diversity in rewarding, we recommend setting up the Monitoring version of Guardrails.
This allows administrators to be aware of how often users are giving over a set percentage of their monthly budget. If you seem to notice it being an issue, you can take it up with the user directly to try to resolve.
If needed, you can then set up Preventative Guardrails. This would completely restrict the user from sending over the percentage of their monthly budget designated in the Guardrail settings.
How can I know what percentage of allowance is best to monitor/prevent?
You can work with your account manager to determine what would be right for your company. The most common rules are between 60-100% per month.
Do Guardrails apply to Admins and Managers?
No. Admins and Managers are exempt from any guardrail settings.
How will my users know if they are exceeding the limits we've set in the Guardrails?
When your users are prevented from sending a certain percentage of their given point balance to one individual per month, they will see a message pop up like this:
Monitoring example:
Preventative example:
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact our support team via email ([email protected]) or via chat on your home page or login screen.