Updating a direct report's manager in Nectar

manager email, direct report, team insights, my team

Marissa Tingey avatar
Written by Marissa Tingey
Updated over a week ago

Here's how to change a direct report's manager whether they have been transferred or for whatever reason. There are 2 ways to get this done. If you're looking to update 1-10 direct reports (users) to a new manager you can do it manually. If it's anything more than 10, it'll be more efficient to update it via our bulk upload.
​Manual Update:

Head to 'Users' > Find and select each user and hit the 'pencil' icon to edit their profile > Scroll down to the field that says 'Manager Email' > Insert the new manager's email to change who that user reports to (change their department if needed) > Scroll down and hit 'Save Employee'
Here's a GIF for your reference:

Bulk Upload Update:

If you are looking to update a big amount of direct reports (use case scenario would be a manager switching departments, leaving company, restructuring, etc) the best option would be to use our Bulk Upload.

Go to 'Users' > Select 'Download to CSV' > Open your preferred spreadsheet program (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Pages, etc) > Open a new document > 'Import' the file and upload the CSV file you just download > import the data > Scroll over to the 'Manager Email' column and sort it A-Z > Here you'll be able to see how many direct reports each manager has and you'll be able to update the manager email section in the sheet.

Here's a GIF for your reference:

Once you've updated your CSV file, you''ll download the current sheet to a CSV file. Go back to Nectar > Users > Bulk Upload > Append Users or Update to List > Upload as usual.
If you need help uploading your CSV file check out our Bulk Upload article.

Contact our support chat with any unanswered questions!

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