Trying to redeem for a swag item, and didn't let you finish checking out, but took your points? No worries. It most likely converted your points into a swag store "credit". You will be able to use that credit for future swag store purchases. Follow these easy steps below in the video or listed steps below.
Navigate to the Rewards tab and go to the Axomo Swag Store (note: The store tab may be named differently depending on your company)
2. Click the 'Swag Store' button in the top right corner to redirect you to the official swag store without converting any Nectar points.
3. Once in the official store, you will see in the top right corner a section listed 'Store Credit.' If you have any existing credit it will be listed there and you can use that credit once selecting your wanted items and proceeding to checkout.
PLEASE NOTE: If you'd like to revert this swag credit back into redeemable Nectar points, you will need to discuss that with your company's Nectar administrator.