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Swag Specific Points

Give your team points specifically to be redeemed for swag rewards inside Nectar

Marisa Crowder avatar
Written by Marisa Crowder
Updated over a week ago

Within Nectar, admins can designate points to employees specifically to go towards Swag Rewards. Check out the article below to see how it works!

❗ If you do not see Swag Points on your company account, you probably do not have Swag included in your Nectar account. If you'd like to have that added to your package please reach out to your Account Manager with Nectar.

How it works

  • Inside a user's redeemable points, there will be two categories:

    • General Points: can be used towards any rewards in the Rewards tab.

    • Swag Points: can be used towards items in the swag store in the Rewards tab.

  • When navigating to the Rewards tab you will see a points tile with your total available points and points breakdown.

  • Available Points to Redeem: Depending on what Reward type you are on, the total available points amount may show differently. (example below)

    • When on the Gift Cards tab, the available points to redeem is only counting my "General Points" as my swag points cannot be used towards gift cards.

    • When on the Swag tab, the available points to redeem is add my General Points and Swag Points together. I can use both of these point types towards our Swag rewards.

❗ Please note: When redeeming for swag the purchase will pull from your Swag Points first, any remaining points needing to be covered will come from your General Points.

How to send Swag Points

There are two ways to give employees Swag Specific Points.

  • The first way is through Custom Awards.

    • Go to Manage Awards > Awards > then you can either edit an existing Award or create a new Award.

    • Once you are editing the Award, in the Basic Information section go to the field labeled Point Amount.

    • To the right, there is a drop down option under Point Type. When you click that, you will be able to select if you want the point type to be General or Swag.

    • You will select Swag, fill out any additional information for the award and hit Save.

    • Follow the article on how to Send a Custom Award.

    • When the Award is sent, the points will go towards the Swag Points on the users profile designated

  • The second way is on the user's profile.

    • Go to the Users tab, find the user you want to add points for and click on their user profile.

    • Scroll down to the points section and edit the Swag Points to Redeem field to include the number of points you are wanting to add.

    • Click Save.

Please reach out to our support team if you have any other questions! πŸ˜„

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