What are Custom Properties?
Custom Properties are custom profile settings you can create and add for your user profiles.
Examples of using Custom Properties would be for including profile information like: Employee Type, Job Title, etc.
Creating a Custom Property
To create a Custom Property, you will navigate to Settings > Properties > Add Property
To add a Custom Property you will need to fill out these steps:
Property Name: What you want the property type to be labeled as.
Data Type:
Text: You will manually type out what you want each value option to be.
Boolean: Uses True or False
Value Quantity:
Allow a single value per user: Each user can only have one of the options for this property attached to their profile.
Allow multiple values per user: Each user can have multiple values for the property attached to their profile. (Example: if they work on multiple teams)
Property Values: What options you want associated with this Property option.
Example: If the Property Name in Employee Type, you would have a different Property Value for Full time, Part time, Contractor, etc.
Please Note: Boolean does not have the Value Quantity or Property Values option because it only uses True or False.
You can also add multiple Properties by clicking the Add another Property button in this pop up box and filling out required information for each Custom Property type.
Once you've create all the Custom Properties you'd like, you will click the Save Property button to have it added.
Adding Users to Custom Property Values
To add users to your Custom Property you can do it one of two ways.
Properties Settings
The first way is when going to Settings > Properties and you will click into the Property Type and then select which Value you want to add users to.
Once you are in the Property Value type you will click the Add Users button.
You will then search all users you want to be included in this Property Value and click the Add Users button to have this update apply.
Then all users selected will be associated with that Property Value.
Bulk Actions
The second way you can apply the Property Values is through Bulk Actions.
Here is our walkthrough on how to do Bulk Actions.
π Please Note: Custom Properties have to be updated manually. It can be updated through Bulk Upload by adding a column for that Custom Property.