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Nectar Awards

This article goes through how to create a Custom Award

Aubriela avatar
Written by Aubriela
Updated over a month ago

What is an Award?

  • Awards are different from regular shoutouts: the details can be customized and used again to send to multiple individuals.

  • You can set up your Custom Awards by going to the Admin > Manage Awards > Awards.

Awards Page Breakdown:

  • At first glance, your Awards page is broken down into a few functionalities:

  1. Awards list: You will initially see a list of the current Custom Awards your company has available, for assigned admins and managers to send out.

  2. Create Custom Award: This button to the right allows you to create NEW Custom Awards from scratch.

  3. Manage Awards: You'll notice each award has an ellipses option to the far right. These options include Editing the award (which can also be done by clicking anywhere on the line item), Duplicating the Award, and Deleting the award.

    1. Duplicating an award will duplicate all settings/data for an award, but will not affect the already sent awards.

Creating a Custom Award:

  • Your Award creation procedure is broken into 3 sections:

    • Basic information

    • Who can give this award

    • Award Activation

  1. Basic Info: You will need to add a Title/Award Name, Point amount, Point Type*, and Home Feed Post Message.

    1. Other options allow you to add a photo, opt for a private award instead of public, and view the post preview.

      1. *Point type is broken down to General Points, or Swag Points. Read more about Swag-Specific Points here.

  2. Who Can Give: This is where you'll determine who can send the award, as well as how many points can be sent.

    1. If you choose the Admin option, ALL users with Admin permissions will be able to send this award from the home screen

    2. If you choose the Manager option, you will have to manually add each manager with their username.

      1. You can designate a specific budget all managers or each individual.

  3. Award Activation: At the bottom you'll have the option of choosing to activate or leave an award inactive until you choose to activate it.

🌟 Please Note:

  • If someone is not an Admin or listed as a sender, they will not be able to see the Award to send.

  • If the Award is not listed as as Active, it will not be available to send.

  • Check out our article Here on how to Send a Custom Award.

If you have additional questions on Custom Awards, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Support via the chat bubble on the bottom right, or via email at [email protected]

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