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Communication Channels

This article goes through the different communication channel options in Communication Settings. Emails. Text. SMS. Teams.

Marisa Crowder avatar
Written by Marisa Crowder
Updated over a week ago

When sending a communication you can do it through a few different options. You can select multiple or just one communication channel to send through. Read below to see the channel options and details.


  • The internal email name

  • The subject line of the email (optional)

  • Any preview text you want to display in the email (optional)

  • From name: The signed name at the bottom of the email?

  • From email: The domain name must be verified in Settings or else it will be from the email [email protected]. Check out this article on how to do that.

  • Reply to email: If anyone replies the responses will be sent to this email address.

Microsoft Teams

  • Direct Message to Users: Users with the Nectar app installed will receive this communication in a direct message.

  • Post to Channels: Send directly to one or more channels.

    • NOTE: To send this communication to a channel via Microsoft Teams, you need to add the Nectar Bot to your Team(s).

  • Custom Message: Any additional message you would like to add.

Teams Message Preview: See the preview that will show in teams.

SMS/Text Message

🌟 texting is only available in the US

  • Custom Message: Add an additional custom message that will show in the text.

  • Text Preview: You will be able to see a preview of what the communication will look like.

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