Go to the Users tab and look up the name of the user with duplicate accounts. Between your two duplicate accounts, determine which should become the "main" account. This should be defined by the user’s email address.
We would recommend that you select the account with the most shoutout history. Shoutouts sent to the duplicate account cannot be moved over to the other account which is why we recommend the one with the most history.
❗ If you have SSO setup, confirm with your IT which email account is linked to the user's SSO profile before proceeding. Whichever account is linked to the SSO profile will need to become your "active" account.
Click on the user's name for both accounts and take note of the Redeemable points total in each account. On the side, combine the Redeemable points.
You do not need to combine the Giveable points, just make sure they match what the monthly allowance is based on the user’s permissions. See this article for information about the monthly allowance if you aren't sure what it is!
Look up the new "main" account for this user and click on their name again to edit.
Add in the new redeemable point total, adjust the name and permissions if needed, and then Save.
Example: If one profile has 50 points and the second has 100, you would make sure the main account you want the user using to have 150 Redeemable points in total.
Look up the duplicate account that is no longer being used, deactivate it, and Save. This helps make sure that nobody accidentally sends shoutouts/awards to the wrong account!
Have your user try to log in with the email address on the new "main" account to make sure they can still access it.
Things to note:
Shoutouts sent to the duplicate account cannot be moved over to the main account.
If the username needs to be changed, contact Support for assistance getting it updated.